Fairy Gardens are Addicting!

So my friend and I were in a local plant nursery and we say this charming display of fairy houses and fairy gardens.  Of course, since I relate everything to clay, I was muttering, “I can do this out of clay”  I had even recently answered an inquiry to Sculpey about if it was possible to make stepstones for a fairy garden out of clay. (answer: YES)

Log finalWhen I got home (in perfect timing) I had received a box with the new products from Sculpey, so I immediately went to the clay table.  First up, a fairy door created with a slice of a small log I had sitting by the fire pit forever.

This project is available on the Sculpey website at: http://www.sculpey.com/project/souffle-fairy-garden-house/

I used the new Sculpey decals to add detail on the window of the door and lots and lots of stepping stones!

seasideNext up was a seaside mini table garden, using a little beach chair that I bought at the plant nursery.  I decorated the outside of the palm planter, created a table (using a decal for the top) and even made little tiny flip flops.

Then I opened the first of the Sculpey Design-It stencil sets and it was on for the third set.  (I always have to work in groups of three – and yes, I’m a science fiction fantasy person and science fiction is almost always a trilogy).

I created this little table and chair set using the stencilstable set final 1sm
and an extruder.  Here is the link to this project: Souffle Fairy House Table Set

It’s late summer now and the gardens are so overgrown, I have to search for the sets in the leaves, but it’s worth the search – they look amazing!

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